306 research outputs found

    Application of principal components analysis to the study of salinization on the Castellon Plain (Spain)

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    The high salinization in some sectors of the Castellón Plain aquifer (Spain), has been erroneusly attributed to seawater intrusion, because of the high and increasing contents of chloride ions. However, recent studies of this aquifer have shown that the chemical characteristics of groundwaters are the result of three different components: intruding seawater, freshwater from rainfall infiltration and saline water with a characteristic sulphate-calcium-magnesium facies, derived from bordering aquifers. The division into sectors according to hydrochemical features, in addition to the inclusion as variables of both certain minor ions and the ionic deviations of the theoretical mixing of freshwater and seawater,h ave provided a clear characterization of the sahnization processesa ffecting the aquifer. The present study showst he application of statisticalm ethodst o the characterization of the salinizationp rocessesin the coastal aquifer of the Castellon Plain. The application of these statistical methods (cluster analysis and principal components analysis) has lead to the corroboration of the hypotheses developed from the previous hydrochemical study. Inclusion of specific variables (certain minor ions and ionic-h) into the PCA enhances a definition of the degree of the salinitation processes

    Notch signaling and new therapeutic options in liver disease

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    Summary Notch signaling is a crucial determinant of cell fate decision during development and disease in several organs. Notch effects are strictly dependent on the cellular context in which it is activated. In the liver, Notch signaling is involved in biliary tree development and tubulogenesis. Recent advances have shed light on Notch as a critical player in liver regeneration and repair, as well as in liver metabolism and inflammation and cancer. Notch signaling is finely regulated at several levels. The complexity of the pathway provides several possible targets for development of therapeutic agents able to inhibit Notch. Recent reports have shown that persistent activation of Notch signaling is associated with liver malignancies, particularly hepatocellular with stem cell features and cholangiocarcinoma. These novel findings suggest that interfering with the aberrant activation of the Notch pathway may have therapeutic relevance. However, further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms regulating physiologic and pathologic Notch activation in the adult liver, to better understand the mechanistic role(s) of Notch in liver diseases and to develop safe and specific therapeutic agents

    El Frontal de la Pietat de Sant Joan de les Abadesses

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    Màster de Cultures Medievals. Assignatura Mística Medieval en el Pensament Europeu (Exposició Virtual 2017PID-UB/027) - Universitat de Barcelona. , Tutora: Blanca GaríFitxa per a l’Exposició Virtual Paisatges d'espiritualitat religiosa. Espais i pràctiques s. XII-XVI. Objecte: Frontal de la Pieta

    Effects of different amendments (organic matter and hydrogel) on the actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of turf grass under field conditions

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    The irrigation schedule in arid areas has to be efficient in order to reduce losses due to evaporation and deep infiltration. Irrigation optimization poses the need to establish with precision the value of actual evapotranspiration (ETa), and the crop coefficient (Kc). The water soil availability can be increased using hydrogel and organic matter amendments, and their effects could vary ETa and Kc. The aim of this study was to determine the ETa, and Kc of an experimental site with lysimeters on the Spanish Mediterranean coast cropped with a turf grass variety, Agrostis stolonifera ‐L‐93, under field conditions, and amended with hydrogel and organic matter. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) was determined from meteorological data (FAO‐Penman‐Monteith equation). ETa was calculated from the water balance, and Kc was obtained by dividing ETa by ET0. Kc was calculated and compared on a yearly, monthly and daily basis. In summer, the differences between amendments become manifest:Unamended lysimeter (100% sand) had Kc values (0.92‐1.16), similar to organic matter amended lysimeter (0.99‐1.17). Maximum and minimum Kc values for the hydrogel amended lysimeters (1.04‐1.52) were higher than those from the other because of the ability of this compound to retain water, which facilitated evapotranspiration. Finally, hydrogel helped to maintain the turf grass quality

    El yacimiento prehistórico de El Collado (Olica, Valencia): una necrópolis de los últimos cazadores de la Península Ibérica

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    Hace unos 9.000 años, algunas de las últimas comunidades de cazadores-recolectores del Mesolítico ocuparon las orillas del Mediterráneo. Se trataba de lugares excepcionales en los que poder vivir y desarrollar sus actividades económicas y subsistenciales. Su dieta se basaba en la ingesta de alimentos de origen animal y vegetal que obtenían a partir de la caza, la recolección de frutos y vegetales, y en la consecución de fauna marina (pescados, moluscos, crustáceos, etc.). Se trataba de grupos nómadas que iban moviéndose y asentándose en distintos lugares. Esos movimientos estaban relacionados, probablemente, con la explotación de determinados recursos, su disponibilidad en ciertos momentos del año, las características ambientales y paisajísticas del lugar, su accesibilidad, etc. En todo caso, a menudo se trata de lugares que no se ocupan solamente una vez, sino que se frecuentan de manera recurrente. Este es el caso del interesante yacimiento de El Collado, en Oliva. Su importancia reside en el hecho de ser un asentamiento al aire libre ocupado en distintos momentos a lo largo de más de un milenio, cuando la mayor parte de los yacimientos de este periodo se documentan en cuevas o abrigos. En este lugar, no sólo se ha hallado la necrópolis mesolítica más importante de España, sino que cronológicamente es la primera de toda la Península Ibérica. Sin embargo, siendo uno de los yacimientos más relevantes del oeste del Mediterráneo, ha sido escasamente publicado y estudiado (García Guixé et ál., 2006; Aparicio, 2008; Aparicio, 2014). Estamos ante un contexto arqueológico con una potencialidad enorme del que estamos seguros que en el futuro se obtendrán nuevos datos sobre las comunidades que allí vivieron, de gran relevancia para el estudio de los últimos grupos de cazadores-recolectores en el levante ibérico.Peer reviewe

    L'Arqueologia serà feminista o no serà

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    Aquest article s'inicia amb un breu repàs sobre alguns dels moviments polítics feministes occidentals, per tal de contextualitzar i argumentar la pràctica arqueològica feminista. Posteriorment es pretén justificar la politització com un fet intrínsec en la vida social i per tant, en el desplegament científic, afirmant que no va en detriment de la objectivitat i la cientificitat. Finalment es presenta una proposta d'anàlisi de la materialitat arqueològica, per tal de detectar les pràctiques sexistes. La finalitat d'aquest article és remarcar la utilitat de l'Arqueologia com a eina de transformació social

    University extension and practice of community health workers: welcome and citizen learning

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    The interdisciplinary intervention by the university in areas of high vulnerability of Santos, besides contributing to the strengthening of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), highlights the suffering faced by community health agents (CHA) in their routines, coming from requests from citizens. These result from social exclusion and the violence in which they live, as well as unhealthy working conditions and low pay. The purpose of this article is to present an experience of systematic intervention through a university extension project, bringing elements that enhance the actions of community health agents of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Santos. For this qualitative study we analyzed the field diaries of weekly meetings, from the perspective of teachers and students, for the period from August 2010 to June 2011. Data’s organization and analysis were based on the Grounded Theory. The results indicated the need of gathering the CHA experiences, broadening the understanding of the dilemmas faced by these professionals and consequently the impasses of implementing SUS and the FHS. Moreover, continued education should be encouraged, based upon a praxis able to promote CHA’s personal and professional projects.A intervenção interdisciplinar universitária em regiões de alta vulnerabilidade da Baixada Santista, além de contribuir para o fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), evidencia o sofrimento enfrentado pelo agente comunitário de saúde (ACS) em seu dia a dia, advindo de solicitações dos munícipes. Estas resultantes da exclusão e violência social em que vivem acrescidas de condições de trabalho insalubres e baixa remuneração. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a sistematização de uma experiência de intervenção por meio de um projeto de extensão universitária, trazendo elementos que potencializem as ações dos agentes comunitários de saúde da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) na Baixada Santista. Para este estudo qualitativo, foram analisados os diários de campo dos encontros semanais, a partir da percepção de professores e alunos, referentes ao período de agosto de 2010 a junho de 2011. A organização e análise dos dados tiveram como referência a Teoria Fundamentada nos dados. Os resultados indicaram a necessidade de acolhimento de experiências dos ACSs, ampliando a compreensão dos dilemas vividos por estes profissionais e consequentemente dos impasses de implementação do SUS e da ESF. Além disso, o incentivo ao processo de educação continuada baseada em uma práxis que promova os projetos de vida pessoais e profissionais dos ACSs.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Spatial characterization of the seawater upconing process in a coastal Mediterranean aquifer (Plana de Castellon, Spain): Evolution and controls

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    In this contribution, we describe the formation and evolution of the upconing process in a Mediterranean coastal aquifer. The study area has experienced severe salinization over the last 40 years because of intensive exploitation of groundwater. We used historical and current records of piezometric levels and chloride concentrations to trace the development of the salinization of the aquifer. We defined the 3D shape of the saline wedge from the spatial distribution of chloride concentrations and vertical well logs of electrical conductivity using monitoring network data. Upconing first appeared in the early 90s and has continued until the present day. In this study, we examined the intensity of the upconing process. Dry periods and the associated increases in pumping caused the advance of seawater intrusion. The sharp reduction in groundwater withdrawals over the last 10 years has caused the saline wedge to move backwards, although the ongoing pumping and the climate conditions mean that this retreat is quite slow